Construction glossary term

Scope of Work

A Scope of Work (SOW) in residential construction is an agreement between a contractor and a homeowner, specifying the details of the work to be performed, such as materials, methods, timeline, and costs. The scope of work defines the objectives of the construction project and provides sufficient detail to enable all parties involved to understand exactly what will be done. It should also provide measurable criteria for evaluating progress and results throughout the project.

The scope of work outlines all aspects that are essential for the successful completion of the project. This includes a description of materials, equipment, and labor; detailed specifications for each task; performance expectations; product standards; any special requirements such as permits or environmental surveys; deadlines; quality control measures; payment terms and conditions; end product deliverables; warranty provisions; dispute resolution procedures; insurance requirements and any other relevant information which may be needed during the course of construction. A clear scope of work helps ensure that expectations are clear and there is no ambiguity between contractors and homeowners when it comes to quality standards.

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